
Creatable Fauna
A rabbit-like creature with magic infused into it's very being.


Descending from the "Wolpertinger", the wolpergeist has incorporated the word "geist" to indicate a spiritual tie that the creature holds to it's surroundings, and the importance they have in Kyrlicht society.


Wolpergeists can be found in almost all shapes and sizes; however, the kits' size is dependent on the size of their parent, and as such, it isn't uncommon to find newborns that are already much larger than some adult Wolpergeists. Unlike many animals in the human realms, Wolpergeists do not stop growing as they age, they simply experience great growth spurts till they reach sexual maturity, after which their growth slows. This is true for Wolpergeists of all sizes, so while it hasn't been recorded yet, it is possible for a Wolpergeist to reach a truly monstrous size.

General Appearance

While Wolpergeists have a 1:1 anatomy of a regular rabbit, the outer appearance can differ more majorly. Wolpergeists can be born with wings, horns, organic plant matter, crystal growth, and more. This is due to the dense magic found within their bodies, and the favor that they have gained from patrons as a species. However, this regular rabbit appearance changes once a Wolpergeist reaches their 2nd maturity; after going through a painful growth phase, the Wolpergeist gains a different appearance, with a human face, and other more "human" features, while retaining the rabbit body. This is very rare, and most Wolpergeist do not reach this phase, and as such, there are not many instances of this is recorded history.



The Wolpergeist is native to the Vesu Valley, a terrain found to the north-west of Mount Vesu, which boasts a temperate to glacial temperature the further north you go. They have adapted to the cold by burrowing deep into Mount Vesu itself, and many of the surrounding mountains, and have established generational burrows; they return to these every time mating season comes around. These density of magic in the Valley is no joke, and by digging as deep as they can, the Wolpergeists surround themselves with magic of utmost purity. They feed on both the greenery of the area, and the pure Magic found in the atmosphere. Some lines have found their way to other areas in the Wildwoods though, such as Bahast, and can have differing behavior patterns due to this.


Social Structures & Behavior

A Wolpergeist is considered a regular magical animal until reaching their second maturity, after which they gain sentience comparable to Kyrlicht.

While the Wolpergeist is a social animal, it is not limited to living in a burrow and many do make their way through the Wildwoods by themselves. However, they do prefer companionship, so these solo Wolpergeist will often travel with other creatures, be they magical or non magical in nature.

Most Wolpergeist, until they decide to leave, do however live in burrows - both feral and domesticated. They do have a strict hierarchy based on age, and while the younger Wolpergeists will follow the orders of the Elders, this is matched with the deep responsibility the Elders carry. If an Elder is found lacking in their decision making or leadership, the younger Wolpergeists will oust said Elder from the position, and install a new Leader in the burrow. The nature of Wolpergeists is not violent, but they can be quite ruthless in their goal of creating harmony in thei group or burrow. The communication between them has been thought to be telepathic, as this is also how they communicate with their bonded person, however this is still thought to be done via sounds, impressions and feelings, rather than words.



It is possible to create a deep magical bond with a Wolpergeist. As with much of the magic in the Wildwoods, this is a two way bond that must be created with the consent of both parties, and can be broken unilaterally by either. The purpose of the bonds are specific to the individuals; some require a loyal companion, others look for a loyal steed for battle, and more. This bond, as mentioned before, does not enable the Wolpergeist to speak, but rather opens the other up to the telepathic communication used by the creature.

As such, Wolpergeists have a long and colorful history in the Wildwoods, often found side by side with Kyrlicht in historic moments. Blessed by many patrons, they are often seen a spiritual guides, and are deeply connected with the legends found in the Wildwoods.


How to make one?

First of all, you need a Blank Slab of Alabaster, which gives you a Creature MYO of your choice. You are also able to purchase a MYO in the official ko-fi shop, which is used as a tip function for the Kyrlicht staff.
Once done, you can make your Wolpergeist as you'd like! There aren't really any rules besides the following:

  • Must retain rabbit/hare anatomy
  • Cannot be human-faced or have human features

If you have an idea that includes a trait not yet listed in our WLP trait list, please ask in the discord server or add a comment in your submission.