
Metal Crown (Common)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

The material of the Crown can be anything metallic, eg. stainless steel, gold, etc.

Non-Organic Crown (Common)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

Instead of a metal crown, a Kyrlicht can have a different, non-organic crown; such as marble, obsidian or plastic!

Crown Adornments

Crown Adornments (Rare)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

A crown can have either organic adornments such as roses, mushrooms, etc or inorganic, such as metal charms, pearls, etc. These can either be attached to the crown or float by it.

Crown Glow (Rare)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

The crown shines from within with a special glow.

Body Crown Placement (Rare)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

Instead of simply around the head, a Kyrlicht can carry their crown anywhere else; around a leg, at the tip of their tail, around their neck, and so on.

Head Placement (Common)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

This trait guarantees that your Kyrlicht's crown is place at their head; this can be above, behind, to the side. As long as it's in head range, you're golden!

Animated Crown Adornments (Special)

Category: Crown
Species: Kyrlicht

Allows for the crown adornments to move independently from the crown, also includes living organic matter.

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