
Short Tail (1 - 3 segments) (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

This includes 1 - 3 segments.

  • The overall length does not matter.
  • Can also be split into multiple "tails", but cannot go over said segment count.
Alternate Types
  • No Tail (Special)
    Species: Kyrlicht

    A Kyrlicht can have no tail at all. Canonically, this means the Kyrlicht has gathered no contracts whatsoever, and has limited access to the stream of Magic.

No Tail (Special)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

A Kyrlicht can have no tail at all. Canonically, this means the Kyrlicht has gathered no contracts whatsoever, and has limited access to the stream of Magic.

Long Tail (4-8 segments) (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

A Kyrlicht can have up to 8 tail segments.

  • The overall length does not matter.
  • Can also be split into multiple "tails", but cannot go over said segment count.

Damaged (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

The tail segmements can be any level of damaged, but should still be recognizable as the segment count. Does not include the shattered variation!


Alternate Types
  • Shattered (T) (Special)
    Species: Kyrlicht

    When a Kyrlicht encounters a near death scenario, they can be brought back from the brink by either other Kyrs pooling their magic until the Kyrlicht can start to heal themselves, or by a patron offering them a Deal with the Devil; a contract that saves the Kyrlicht but ultimately has them owe the patron a favor. Which is not a good thing.

    They take on the appearance of multiple shards and can either simply float close to each other, or be connected via strands of Magic (appearance can vary, e.g. glowing strings, crackling lightning, etc).

Shattered (T) (Special)

Category: Tail
Parent Trait: Damaged (Rare)
Species: Kyrlicht

When a Kyrlicht encounters a near death scenario, they can be brought back from the brink by either other Kyrs pooling their magic until the Kyrlicht can start to heal themselves, or by a patron offering them a Deal with the Devil; a contract that saves the Kyrlicht but ultimately has them owe the patron a favor. Which is not a good thing.

They take on the appearance of multiple shards and can either simply float close to each other, or be connected via strands of Magic (appearance can vary, e.g. glowing strings, crackling lightning, etc).

Breached (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

A Kyrlicht's material can be spilling out/growing out or similarly extruding out of the tail segments.

Magic Filled (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

Instead of being filled with Matter, this Kyrlicht's tail is filled with a beautiful cloud of magic.

Fire Filled (Common)

Category: Tail
Species: Kyrlicht

This Kyrlicht's tail is lit with flames from within! Note: tail still must keep defined shape.

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