
Wings (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

Some Wolpergeist are born with wings and woah, some of them are also on fire.

This trait includes any kind of wings + wings that have flames.

Plant Growth (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

A wolpergeist can be born with plant growth on them.

"Seems like the Spring Patron had her favorites, huh?"

Crystals (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

Some Wolpergeist carry a deep connection to the earth, and grow crystals and rocks on their bodies.


"Uh, that seems like it could be a little heavy. Sure you don't need help, little buddy?"

Horns/Antlers (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

A Wolpergeist can be born with Horns or Antlers.

"Why are you pointing that horn at me.... it looks sharp..."

Multiple Eyes (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

A Wolpergeist can be born with multiple sets of eyes.


Magic Leak (Common)

Category: Wolpergeist
Species: Wolpergeist

A Wolpergeist can be born magic leaking from their body, such as eyes, wounds, etc.

"You, uh, seem to be leaving a trail."

One Matter (Common)

Category: Matter

All spheres have the same matter.

  • no trait limit on what, so you can have a "winter wonderland" or something like "eclipse"
  • smaller variations are allowed, such as different flowers with a "english garden" matter

Bloom (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Spring has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • plant growth on body/in hair
  • can be any kind of naturally found flora
  • may not replace a limb


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • Moral dilemmas about eating fruit or veg grown from your body
  • heightened affinity with insects, can have little companions following them

Furnace Hair (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Fire has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • hair can be replaced in part by a magical fire (any color)
  • can be a full head of hair, tips or simply parts
  • can be "turned off", so you don't need to always draw with fire hair


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • can cause soot discoloration on body
  • the kyr can decide if it should burn like real fire or not

Bioluminescent Markings (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Water has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • glowing markings or tattoos anywhere on body
  • can be stationary or move


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • can cause sharkskin texture everywhere on body
  • can cause shark teeth

Inner Light (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Light has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • cracked skin with exposed light OR matter underneath
  • this can be anywhere on body


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • this cracking can spread when emotional, but will heal back to it's "natural state"

Deathly Armor (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Death has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • armor of bone can be placed anywhere on body
  • needs to physically be touching skin
  • can be retracted into the body


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • retracted armor causes intense feeling of discomfort as it nestles into the soul
  • other characters can speculate on the personality of the kyr as each armor is individual and unique

Armor of Wind (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Wind has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • armor that floats above the body
  • is NOT connected physically to the body
  • made of magic, and can be retracted until needed
  • can be made of metal or any other material as well


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • can show in bits and pieces, like only the helmet, if required
  • does not impact movement speed at all

Frozen Fire (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Ice has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • the flames coming off the body have been contained in ice
  • can be used in combination with other fire based traits or blessings


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • frost can creep on to the body too

Harbinger (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Ruin has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • Shattered limbs or body
  • These pieces can be however large you'd like them to be
  • Shards can be reformed into one whole body


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • All the shards are still usable and moveable by the character
  • It takes a lot of mental effort to reform into one whole body
  • The collected body will have hairline scars everywhere where it usually separates

Contained Lightning (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Thunder & Lightning has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • this blessings has two forms:
    • moving Lichtenberg scars on body
    • surging lightning outside body, often seen as dense electric sparks or chain thunder


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • The outside body version can be used to speed up movement
  • The inside body version has a distinct color which is up to you

Void (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Nothingness has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • Kyrlicht specific:
    • The kyrlicht has no matter; joints and spheres are simply transparent or pitch black
  • Hound specific:
    • The hound has no contract and no tail


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • Kyrlicht:
    • the kyr did previously have a matter but this was swallowed by the patron in return for their favor
  • Hound:
    • the hound's contract is partly dissolved and the patron of void has taken over fulfilling the hound's part

Kindling (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Forests has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • sections of limbs or body have been turned into wood
  • these can be as flexible or stiff as you'd like
  • any kind of wood goes


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • flexibility depends entirely on if the patron likes you enough

No Face (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Ú̴̡̨̹̼̳͔̙̤̫̈́͛̿͘͝Ņ̴̢̛̘͖̰̠͉͍̙̺̤̭̺̣̤̘̟͓̙̟͖̱̙͎͉̮̰̙̦̖̙̳͉̥̣̻̲͍̻͎͎̐͊̋̀̇͂͂͒̐̿̈́̃̒̃̀̿̀̈͋̕͜ͅK̵̡̝̜̲̥̺̱̩̯͍̰͎̩̟̜͓̱̰̞̜̹̠͇̬̱͙͚͈͕͈̺̖̥̮͔̳̞̙̬͎͓̖̺̲̖̲̣͕͔̘̿̽̉̾̍̊̓̓́̅̓͗̇̕͜͝͝͝N̴̛̮̭̟̫̖͍̙̯͙̠̳̫̼̞͍̖̰̱̯̗̪͖͉͖̦̥̥͓͚̜͕̤̖̳̭͎̬̪̣̥̬͙̟̲͚͎͎͚͖͇̺̞͈̝͕̹̭͈̭̏͗͊̈̿͌͗͌͐͒̈́͂̒͋̒͊͊̑̈́̅͌͘̕͜͜ͅͅͅͅƠ̸̛̺͇͉̼̣̗̝̪̜͓̝̼̮̝͇̪̟̳͕̟̱̦̥̼͇̍̀̉̒͐̑̇́̔̀̔͋̎̀͛̌̉͋͒̊͋͂͆̑̈̎͊̾̌̚̚͝͝͝ͅW̸̨̡̛̛̰̝͈̩͎̘̭͖̞̪̥̱̝̬̙͕̪͎̙̗͍̭͕̼̙̜͓̞͉̩̭̯͉̣̣͈̗̾̉̽̏̋̋͒̍̈́̋͊́̀̎̀̆̉͊̃̓̑́͊́̂͌̀͌͌͑͌̎̄̍̽́̈́̍̈́̓̑́̄̈́̿̔̑́̆͘͝͠͠͝͠N̵̨̲̦̮̫̜̬̱̞̦̣̼͉̎̿has bestowed a blessing upon you!





  • No facial features
  • Can also be partly facial features, such as only eyes, only mouth, etc


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • Might be a curse instead of a blessing

Heatstroke (Blessing)

Category: Blessings

The patron of Lava has bestowed a blessing upon you!

  • Hair can be turned into gloopy magma
  • Parts of body can be turned into said magma
  • Limbs can be replaced


Additional lore canon information (these are for flavor, and not mandatory)

  • Heat is depending on the character's mood and desires
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